Loner Assistant

I am happy to report that Loner Assistant has matured to the beta release stage!

Loner Assistant is a web application designed to play Loner on your device of choice, without dice, paper or pen. It features:

  • a digital oracle with open question and game prompt generator (the adventure seed). You can also roll the next scene;
  • a digital character sheet;
  • the combat resolution module;
  • an online text editor set to autosave your progress (still not possible to export anything though).

I developed it mainly to play myself, but clearly it seemed nice to share it with the world.

It has been implemented entirely in HTML + Javascript (with a bit of Boostrap) and is therefore cross-plaftorm. I have plans to make it a progressive web app, but it’s not a priority right now.

It is released under the MIT license with its Github repository publicly accessible. But I warn you: I’m a bad developer so I don’t think you’ll do much with that code. In any case you can freely use it.

Enjoy and let me have your feedback!

Get Loner (1st Edition)

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