Some updates

It’s been a long time since I updated you on Zalanthar!

First of all, I am running a successful mini-campaign with my group using Freeform Universal. This has given me a chance to evaluate the robustness of the setting, and I am very pleased with how well it is holding up.

As you know, the original plans for Zalanthar included two additional publications:

  • A deprecated art book, given the understandable aversion to AI artwork. My intention was not to make any profit from it (I would have given it away for free), but simply to support the lore of this world. Now, of course, it seems inappropriate for me to continue down this path.
  • Savage Sands of Zalanthar, a Cairn hack for playing adventures on this world. GOOD NEWS! After a long delay, it is almost finished! I will distribute the text in the next few days, for the layout I ask for your patience. It will be sparsely illustrated and distributed for free.

I have also decided to do a hack for the 24XX SRD! This project is also nearing completion. I am considering extending the project to Loner/FU, but it is not a priority at this time.

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