The Five Galaxies: a setting booklet

I have put the setting booklet for Plerion, The Five Galaxies, back in the works; here is the summary:

  • Introduction
    • A brief overview
    • Introducing the Five Galaxies
  • I. The Charted Space
  • II. Major Species
  • III. Major Empires and Organizations
  • IV. Technology & Resources
  • V. Travel and Trade
  • VI. Exploring the Five Galaxies

what do you think?

time frame: it depends… on how inspired I am and how interested you are as well

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I will definitely want to acquire this when it is ready, especially if a print version is also available.

Bell'iniziativa! A che punto sei?

La bozza è finita, sto aspettando dei feedback

sarà disponibile anche su stampa?

quando sarà il momento sì


This looks like a must buy for me. Thanks!